Carson-Newman offers several educator preparation programs at the undergraduate and graduate level, which prepare individuals to apply for professional licensure in the state of Tennessee. The School of Education & Counseling houses two departments, both of which have received national accreditation. The Education Department is fully accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), and programs in The Counseling Department have been fully accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP).
All programs listed below were part of the most recent review by CAEP, with the exception of the School Counseling Program, which was part of the most recent review by CACREP. All of these programs have been approved by the Tennessee State Department of Education.
Undergraduate (B.A. or B.S.) and Graduate (M.A.T. or M.Ed.) Initial Licensure Programs:
Biology (6-12)
Business (6-12)
Chemistry (6-12)
Elementary (K-5)
English (6-12)
English as a Second Language (K-12)
Family and Consumer Sciences (6-12)
French (P-12) (available only at the graduate level)
General Music/Instrumental (K-12)
General Music/Vocal (K-12)
Government (6-12)
History (6-12)
Integrated Early Childhood (PreK-3)
Mathematics (6-12)
Middle Grades: Language Arts/Social Studies (6-8)
Middle Grades: Mathematics/Science (6-8)
Physical Education (K-12)
Physics (6-12)
Psychology (9-12)
Spanish (6-12)
Special Education: Comprehensive (K-12)
Special Education: Interventionist (K-8)
Special Education: Interventionist (6-12)
Theatre (K-12)
Visual Arts (K-12)
Graduate Advanced Licensure Programs
Instructional Leader Licensure (specialization track offered in the M.Ed., Ed.S., and Ed.D.)
Professional School Counseling (M.S.C.)
Reading Specialist (M.Ed.)
C-N also offers many options (degree and non-degree) to add the above endorsements to an existing teaching license. These programs are developed to prepare individuals to meet licensure requirements in the state of Tennessee. Tennessee is a member of The National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC) which has developed interstate agreements with several other states (see NASDTEC Interstate Agreements). C-N graduates who wish to seek licensure outside of the state of Tennessee should apply for and obtain licensure from the Tennessee State Department of Education before seeking licensure in another state. Graduates who have been licensed by the state of Tennessee may also be qualified to apply for licensure in other states with an interstate agreement. Reciprocity does not guarantee automatic eligibility or approval for certification or professional licensure in those states. Most states have minimum requirements which must be obtained by licensed educators before being approved for licensure in states other than Tennessee. Students must be aware that state laws, regulations, and requirements for licensure and certification vary from state to state and may change without notice.
C-N strongly recommends that prospective and currently enrolled students who plan to seek licensure or certification outside the state of Tennessee contact the appropriate licensing agency for information and guidance before enrolling in a program which leads to licensure. It is imperative that students be cognizant of licensing requirements when they relocate to a state outside of Tennessee. Students should discuss licensing requirements with their adviser before enrolling in a program that leads to licensure, or when relocating to a state outside of Tennessee.
For information regarding the Carson-Newman University Professional School Counseling program and licensure, please contact:
Anna Lora Taylor, Assistant Professor of Counseling
Phone: (865) 471-3288
Carson-Newman has determined that the MSC in Professional School Counseling program offered by the university meets the requirements for licensure in the state of Tennessee. This program will not directly lead to licensure in any other U.S. State or territory, but licensure may be easily converted to other states depending on their particular requirements. For additional information regarding licensure and certification in any state other than Tennessee, students should consult the specific state licensure board listed by state and U.S. territory.
Professional Licensure Disclosure and contact information for State Licensing Agencies for Professional School Counseling